I wasn't able to watch Saturday's sessions (though I did hear part of Saturday afternoon), but here are some of the messages I received today. Some general, some personal:
- "It's better to look up."
- I want to deepen my relationship with my Father in Heaven and my Savior
- God's laws and standards are in place, despite the world's shifting ideas and values.
- Synchronize my life with Christ's.
- I must not only say my prayers, but live them.
- Learn to hear and understand, and then follow the language of the spirit.
- Maintain a spirit of gratitude in life, for we receive many more blessings than we realize from day to day.
- Maintain and develop a spirit of faith and optimism in life.
- Heavenly Father is mindful of the challenges we all face in this world.
- The gospel provides meaning, purpose, hope and answers the questions of life.
- Show increased kindness to one another.
- Pray for the Prophet and those who serve as General Authorities. We are one as we move forward in this work.
I love conference and the renewed strength and understanding I receive as I open my heart and mind to being taught by the Spirit. There is hope there. There is love there. There is truth there. Not everyone may see it or believe it. But it is there.
God lives. Jesus Christ is my Savior. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church restored upon the earth. The Priesthood is real. The covenants I have made are eternal and powerful. We do have a living Prophet on the earth today. The thoughts and ideas I mentioned above are some of what I heard the Spirit teach through the Lord's anointed servants.