I'm not sure I really have the words for this post.
I took the opportunity on Sunday to spend the morning at the Gay Pride Parade. There is a group, Mormons Building Bridges, that entered to march in this parade as a way to reach out with love and understanding to the LGBT community.
I'll admit, when I first heard about this, I was hesitant to go. One, because I would miss church, which I feel very strongly about attending. And two, I was worried we would be met with feelings and words of animosity. After all, the LDS Church hasn't been all too supportive of gays in the past. But being an active, believing member, and gay, I decided it was something I needed to do.
I can't even describe how amazing it was. When we first arrived, we ran into my sister and brother-in-law. I was so thrilled to have family to walk with. That was just the beginning.
As we waited at the staging area for the parade to start, men and women in suits and dresses continued to come, and fill in the street. The organizers were hoping for 100 people. Someone counted over 400.
Once we started walking, I was still somewhat hesitant, and I could feel that in the crowd of marchers as well. But it didn't last long at all. As soon as we started, and met the parade spectators, their cheers absolutely overwhelmed me.
I saw many tears from those on the side. So many people shouting "thank you". Tears, waves, smiles and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude filled the air. Hearts were softened and opened wide. I felt so good being there. There was such amazing energy.
The posters people carried were simple and full of love:
“God loves all his children”
-President Uchtdorf
“...love thy neighbour as thyself.”
-Matt 22:39
“Jesus said love everyone,treat them kindly too...”
-Primary song
“...we will reach out with love and understanding to all...”. -Elder Ballard
“We believe in doing good to all...”. -13th Article of Faith
“If ye are not one ye are not mine...” -D&C 38:27
"God Is love"
-1 John 4:8
There is sunshine in my soul today!
I'll walk with you, I'll talk with you, that's how I'll show my love for you"
-Primary Song My favorite moment: My roomie and her daughter, who also walked in the parade, in a huge embrace.
I felt the Spirit in such abundance that morning.
It kind of reminds me of what the early saints did when they learned there were still hand-cart companies out on the plains and struggling to make it to the SL Valley. During his General Conference address, Brigham Young said:
"That is my religion; that is the dictation of the Holy Ghost that I possess. It is to save the people. This is the salvation I am now seeking for. To save our brethren that would be apt to perish, or suffer extremely, if we do not send them assistance...I felt like we were involved in a rescue of love. My Stake President recently challenged us all to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover by July 1 and to mark every reference or idea about Rescue. My mind has been full of the idea of rescue since. Sunday's march was an act of rescue. Living what I was being taught from my Stake President through the scriptures.
“I will tell you all that your faith, religion, and profession of religion, will never save one soul of you in the Celestial Kingdom of our God, unless you carry out just such principles as I am now teaching you. Go and bring in those people now on the plains. And attend strictly to those things which we call temporal, or temporal duties. Otherwise, your faith will be in vain. The preaching you have heard will be in vain to you, and you will sink to Hell, unless you attend to the things we tell you.”
Reaching out in love, acceptance and kindness to our brothers and sisters who have been "stranded" is an act of rescue. What good is my faith, my religion if I am not willing to do as the Lord has said, and reach out in love to my neighbor?