I think the name of my blog is kind of funny. Because while I am "out there" in some circles - my family, a few select friends, my bishop - I am, on the whole, 'not' out there.
There are some people in my life who really are very honest and open. My roommate is one of those. I love her dearly. She is, in almost every way, my partner in life (minus the physically intimate side). She is SSA and dealing in her own way. She is also LDS and very good about speaking up when she feels prompted to do so. Because of that, she has a lot of support in her life. Most people still really like and support her - even in the church ::gasp:: . When she recently was faced with a difficult situation, she was able to confide in people who know her and love her. And therefore, she has great support.
I want that. I need that. Even though my family knows of my SSA, I don't talk much about it with them. Even though I have some good friends who know, I don't talk much about it with them. I don't talk about it with my Bishop. I do talk about it with my roommate. But when she's going through her own stuff, sometimes that's hard to do. So I feel pretty isolated sometimes. Kind of lonely in this.
Hense this blog. I guess this is a way to reach out for support, but also, I hope, a way to give support. To increase my own understanding and help increase the understanding of others.
Thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm here to support you.