Friday, December 30, 2011

Gratitude Challenge

I generally take some time each night to read from the Scriptures, but because I'm a dork, I didn't have them with me last night. So I picked up the December 2011 Ensign and read the first article by Henry B. Eyring - "The Choice to Be Grateful", and I was grateful for the way it touched me.

Following the main article, there was a section for youth entitled "Take A Gratitude Challenge" encouraging us to make a list of 100 things you are grateful for. To make it easier, there are 10 categories. I liked the idea. So I'm doing it here. This might be long, who knows. Of course you don't have to read it if you don't want to.

10 physical abilities you are grateful for:
1. I can walk
2. I can see
3. I can hear
4. I can taste
5. My lungs work
6. My heart works
7. I have use of all my limbs
8. I have a healthy body
9. I can ride a bike
10. I can play the guitar

10 material possessions you are grateful for:
1. My home
2. My car
3. My bike
4. My guitar
5. Clothes
6. Food
7. Indoor plumbing
8. A water heater
9. A heater/AC
10. Computer

10 living people you are grateful for (I have to combine these or this list will get really long)
1.  My Savior
2. Mom and Dad
3. Grandma W.
4.Older Brother/Wife and their kids
5. Sister/Husband and their kids
6. Younger Brother and his kids
7. Roommate and her kids - who have become my family
8. President Monson and his counselors
9. My wonderful friend who teaches me guitar
10. R, M, S, O - all great camp friends

10 deceased people you are grateful for:
1. Grandma R
2. Grandpa R.
3. Grandpa W.
4. Ancestors who I feel I've come to know - so many of them
5. Joseph Smith
6. President Hinckly and Sis. Hinckly
7. Nephi
8. Mormon
9. Captain Moroni
10. John the Baptist

10 things about nature you are grateful for: (Just 10? - lol)
1. Sunrises
2. Sunsets
3. Majestic mountains
4. Rustling leaves
5. Berry bushes
6. The smell of rain
7. Clouds
8. Rich soil
9. Singing birds
10. Thunder storms

10 things about today you are grateful for:
1. The sun is shining
2. The temperature is mild
3. I am working
4. I've chatted with my roomie
5. I feel grateful for life
6. I've eaten breakfast
7. I am healthy
8. Doctors who are wise and cautious
9. My family are all alive and well
10. I just chatted with my mommy

10 places on earth you are grateful for:
1. My home (both at home and at work)
2. This beautiful park in which I work
3. Temple Square - and any Temple grounds
4. Machu picchu (I'm going there someday)
5. Beautiful, rugged mountains - anywhere
6. Alaska (I'm going there someday, too)
7. Redwood forest (I'm going there someday, too)
8. The homes of my family members
9. The Sacred Grove
10. My back porch - where I can sit and watch the sunset

10 modern inventions you are grateful for:
1. Computer
2. Cell phones
3. Electricity
4. Indoor plumbing
5. Heaters and Air Conditioners
6. Automobiles
7. Air planes
8. The internet
9. Television
10. Cameras

10 foods you are grateful for: (again only 10?)
1. Oatmeal
2. Granola Bars
3. Potatoes
4. Pasta
5. Ice Cream
6. Brownies
7. Scrumptious salads and all the veggies that go with that
8. Chicken
9. Panda Express
10. Bread

10 things about the gospel you are grateful for:
1. It's restoration
2. The Atonement
3. Living Prophets and Apostles
4. The Priesthood
5. Modern Revelation
6. My Testimony of the Plan of Salvation
7. Temples
8. My calling
9. Programs of the LDS church that allow me to grow and learn
10. Scriptures

Well now, that was fun.

And now I'm going on a hike for work. And I'm grateful for a job that allows me to do that.

1 comment:

  1. i like that. I am about to go on a run. maybe I will focus ont the tingd for which I am thanksful.
