I would stop by that rose bush every day on my way to and from my house. And with that, I adopted the idea of stopping to smell the roses of life. Not just the physical roses, but those things in life that bring peace, comfort, happiness, stillness, feelings of goodness, etc. It's amazing to recognize that there really is something to celebrate in every day.
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown
After too long a time not noticing those roses, it's time once again to celebrate all that life has to offer.
Too many of my posts lately have focused on something less than positive. And that attitude does not look good on me. It doesn't feel good, either. And it isn't accurate. While it's true I've had some difficult times in the past several months, I've also had many wonderful times. It is time I start focusing on that once again.
Learn to smile at every situation. See it as an opportunity to prove your strength and ability. ~Joe Brown
Sometimes fear overcomes us, overcomes me. And when I let that fear take over, it is very difficult to find hope or peace or sunshine. One can't be happy all the time, but it's one thing to experience a passing gloominess, and another thing to let it rule your life.
Let your inner sunshine overcome the passing haze of discontent. ~Dodinsky
I'm deciding now to pay attention to the roses of life, to change my attitude, to look toward the sunshine, to let go of hurt and confusion, and trust in the goodness of life.
Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. ~ Doctrine and Covenants 6:36
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